Jan Rothney

Is there any such thing as normal or "getting back to normal" when we are all so diverse and running patterns?

Jan Rothney

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is a complex and debilitating illness that affects millions of people worldwide.

Jan Rothney

Today many medics and GPs are retraining in Lifestyle Medicine because the medical model alone is not a sufficient "cure" for chronic ...

Jan Rothney

What is the difference between offering a training programme, a therapy or treatment for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Long Covid and Burnout?

Jan Rothney

Take time to look after yourself this Christmas, in between the added jobs, activities and social engagements.

Jan Rothney

Being immersed in disorganised, chaotic spaces can overstimulate our senses, making us feel frustrated, anxious and exhausted.

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