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"I am honoured to be part of your excellent book. I have the highest respect for your work."
Paul Garner, professor emeritus, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine

Do you feel like you're struggling to keep going?

Today there seems to be an epidemic of Burn Out, struggling to keep going, feeling overwhelmed by life, challenges and demands that impact on the body, leaving us exhausted, worn out, tired all the time, hypersensitive, sleep deprived, susceptible from viruses and unable to return to normal after viruses or on red alert, feeling on edge and in fight or flight mode or in freeze, feeling the body is shutting down as it can no longer keep going.

Watch Free Sample Videos from the Reset to Thrive Programme

Introduction to the
Reset to Thrive Programme with free consultation.

Beliefs about CFS and
Long Covid

The Science Behind the Understanding 

Is this you?
As humans, we are like all other organisms on the planet- surviving or thriving. When conditions are favourable, we thrive and when conditions are unfavourable, we go into survival mode in a desperate attempt to survive, struggling through in the hope conditions become more favourable.
Life shouldn’t be like this

Book Testimonials

I’m getting a lot out of your excellent book, by reading it bit by bit. Like you, I never cease to marvel at how the body/mind can heal itself, if given the right encouragement.
- Sarah B

I have your book and it’s brilliant. I have had a brilliant couple of weeks since reading part 1 of your book and getting myself back on track. I am really enjoying practicing my F.E.A.R.L.E.S.S. resources- It’s made me realise why I didn’t recovery completely first time round.
- Debbie T

 Hi Jan, I have just read your book 'Breaking Free' and found it inspiring. Thank you so much for writing such a valuable book and sharing your experience.

- Nicky T

Today I attended my adult ballet class. I had to stop going when I became ill, but thanks to your book I’m back in class. I’ve stepped down to the beginners class so I don’t have to think about what I’m doing , I have muscle memory . I’ve been back a few months now, I can’t go every week as sometimes I’m having symptoms but today was wonderful . It’s good to see my friends( all over 60 years old) and to do something that I loved when I was a little girl. I can’t thank you enough for writing that book, I’m getting my life back at last. It’s a slow journey but I’m getting there.
- Anne W